The Fast Way To Detox

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The Liver - This Body Filter of Ours!

 A regular cleanse to support our liver!

Spring is the perfect time to think about metabolic waste disposal!

Every day, the liver performs more than 800 different functions: digestion, elimination, nutrients and medications metabolism, blood clotting, immunity etc...

By draining, cleansing and toning the liver, elimination is facilitated and optimized. The liver works in better conditions, and the whole organism’s work is optimized.

The liver is like a big sponge. In 1 minute, it receives 1.6 l of blood. In 24 hours, this represents about 2400 litres of blood that must be filtered, purified, and recirculated in the blood vessels. Any unnecessary slowing down of this process can have consequences!

Is your liver too fat?

A healthy liver contains a maximum of 5% fat. Beyond this percentage, fatty deposits hinder the functioning of liver cells, and cause inflammation, oxidation, or even destruction and then fibrosis of liver tissues, gradually leading to serious pathologies

As a direct result of junk food, chronic stress and sedentary lifestyle, we can see a real epidemic of NASH (Non-Alcoholic Steato-Hepatitis) that affects all countries. 1 billion people are affected around the world, and they are becoming younger and younger. Men are 2 times more affected than women. In France, it reaches 1 in 5 people.

The build up to this condition is silent and evolves insidiously over a few years.

When the liver saturates: it struggles greatly and causes many inconveniences

• Digestive sluggishness

• Nausea

• Headaches

• Bad breath

• Coated tongue

• Fatigue

• Dull complexion

• Sleep disorders

A characteristic sign of an overloaded liver: repeated nocturnal awakenings between 1 and 3 am.

Clear toxins to “fly” through hay-fever allergy season

Fouling the body with toxins maintains a low-grade inflammatory environment that promotes the occurrence of allergic reactions.

The liver in particular, plays a role in immunity. Its vitality and role as a blood filter are important for the elimination of allergenic substances.

Detox is recommended for prevention, as well as to reduce the severity of inconvenience and to relieve inflamed mucous membranes, by acting on 3 axes:

elimination - vitality - inflammation.

  • Increase elimination of toxins thanks to the draining properties of certain plants for a healthier liver, kidneys and intestines.

  • Support the vitality of the body, and fight against stress, fatigue with rest, relaxation, mindfulness.

  • Use anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory protocols such as a juices fast full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phyto-nutrients.

Don’t wait for your liver to suffer, do a detox to support it!

By supporting the elimination of waste and fat that clutters it, the liver regains its vitality. It works better, is able to regenerate, and we can help it along the way with specific plant compounds such as:

Milk thistle with its active ingredient Silymarin, found to reduce inflammation

Rosemary with its Ursolic acid, found to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer effects.

Artichoke with its Cynarin, found to stimulate bile production, accelerate gut movement, and improve the digestion of certain fats.

You can also strengthen the effectiveness of your detox by improving your lifestyle: eating a healthy diet low in sugars, participating regularly in physical activity, practicing intermittent fasting or a Buchinger type fast one or twice a year.

Not sure where to start?  Trust our expertise and let us support and guide you with our online detox fast or residential retreats!

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