The Fast Way To Detox

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The Rise of Therapeutic Fasting in Russia: A Fascinating Story

Since 1998, Russia recognized therapeutic fasting as a treatment. How did it become accepted and adopted by patients? Learn the full story in a captivating book and documentary called "Science of Fasting," directed by Sylvie Gilman and Thierry de Lestrade. We show this during our retreat's movie night at The Fast Way to Detox. Here's a summary.

Nikolaev, a practicing psychiatrist, used hypnosis to help patients overcome addiction. While fasting was not initially part of his treatment approach, a hospital stay changed everything. During his recovery, he read works by Greek, Egyptian, Russian, and American authors, including Upton Sinclair's "The Fasting Cure," a groundbreaking book on therapeutic fasting published in 1911. Unfortunately, the Council of Physicians in the United States ultimately dismissed Sinclair's ideas.

The year is 1941. The war is raging...

Introducing Fasting Treatment in Soviet Russia: A Challenging Journey

Nikolaev's father's old acquaintance, Nikolai Narbekov, reconnected with him and introduced the idea of fasting as a treatment for sailors suffering from intestinal disorders. Narbekov had recorded the positive results of this practice. After the war, he proposed to the Soviet medical authorities to experiment with fasting treatment. However, they categorically refused, as the practice of not eating to heal was incomprehensible to them. The prevailing thought at that time was that it was necessary to feed the sick body to strengthen it. Additionally, the topic of food was almost taboo in post-war Russia, due to the traumatic experiences of the concentration camp survivors, the people who made it through the Leningrad siege, and the millions who died in famines. Therefore, the suggestion of fasting as a cure was seen as an insult to those who suffered.

Nikolaev's Quest for Alternative Mental Health Treatments

In the midst of his colleague's roadblocks with medical authorities, Dr. Nikolaev began to wonder: could fasting be a viable treatment method for mental illnesses? As a compassionate psychiatrist, he was skeptical of the long-term benefits of commonly used electroshock and insulin shock therapies. After conducting extensive research, Dr. Nikolaev was convinced that he had found a promising alternative. In 1948, he conducted an experiment with patients in his psychiatric institution but unfortunately, it ended in failure. The controversial results caused such a stir that he was subsequently transferred to a different hospital far away.

The Discovery of Therapeutic Fasting by Dr. Nikolaev

Nikolaev faced a challenging task of treating a schizophrenic patient. The patient refused to eat, leaving the doctor to rely on standard treatments involving insulin shocks and force-feeding. However, with his attentive approach, Dr. Nikolaev avoided insulin treatments and allowed the patient to fast. After six days of the patient's fasting, his condition improved drastically. He began to speak again and described his inner struggles. Dr. Nikolaev's observations proved that fasting could alter brain cell biochemistry. This breakthrough discovery was pivotal for the development of therapeutic fasting. Despite some skeptics attributing the success to chance, Dr. Nikolaev continued his experiments to understand why fasting was effective in some cases and not others. Lacking support from medical authorities, he persisted in noting his findings and results. Although many questions remained unanswered, Dr. Nikolaev's work paved the way for further advancements in therapeutic fasting.

Narbekov made a significant contribution to the psychiatric field by introducing fasting as a treatment method. He took it further and at the Moscow Institute of Balneotherapy, he fasted patients who had previously been unsuccessful in treating their rheumatism, skin conditions, and somatic diseases. While the results were not always consistent, the guest book provided by Dr. Narbekov showed unanimous enthusiasm for the method and its outcomes, despite varying experiences of the protocol.

The Need for Scientific Evidence: Dr. Narbekov's Approach

Despite the remarkable results produced by Dr. Narbekov's approach, it has yet to be officially recognized by the authorities. In order to achieve this recognition, undeniable scientific evidence is required. For Dr. Nikolaev, biology serves as the foundation of medicine. But how does fasting contribute to the healing process? As a psychiatrist, Dr. Nikolaev's life was forever changed in 1955 when a chance encounter shed light on this topic.

When chance does things right...

The Incredible Success of Fasting Treatment: A Story

When Nikolai Bulganin's son was admitted to the hospital for alcohol addiction, doctors were at a loss on how to help him. Dr. Nikolaev's wife, Valentina Nikolaeva, suggested a fast, and the young Bulganin was sent to Dr. Nikolaev for a 20-25 day fast. The results were astounding – the boy's health was restored, and his addiction was seemingly cured. Minister Bulganin was so impressed that he sent his son to the countryside with Dr. Nikolaev to continue his recovery. The fast was a remarkable success, and Minister Bulganin approved funding for further studies on fasting treatment.

The Minister's Support and Dr. Nikolaev's Breakthrough Research on Fasting

Thanks to the minister's backing, Dr. Nikolaev conducted extensive research on fasting and observed numerous clinical cases. As he further honed his methodology, he realized that this treatment was effective for various conditions, regardless of their symptoms. The fast worked on the entire body, without exception. However, the question remained: how did it work? The answer was yet to be uncovered.

Yuri Nikolaev and the Importance of Fasting in Schizophrenia Treatment.

When Dr. Yuri Nikolaev finally had the resources to showcase the benefits of fasting, new treatments were already on the rise. The discovery of neuroleptics gave hope to psychotic patients for a quick fix. However, it wasn't long before the limits of neuroleptics became apparent. Although the effect was fast, the body quickly became accustomed to it, and long-term complications arose. Dr. Nikolaev believed in "thinking differently," which led him to explore alternative treatments for schizophrenia. He conducted a study that involved over 7,000 patients who had previously failed with neuroleptic or other treatments. The study encompassed all mental illnesses and involved over twenty psychiatrists and biologists. The study produced impressive results, with two main conclusions emerging:

  1. Patient involvement and commitment was crucial to the success of the treatment.

  2. The treatment's efficacy was more dependent on establishing a connection with the patient than on the type of disease.

Nikolaev and his team were adamant about a central idea: fasting therapy was not simply about depriving oneself of food. Rather, it was a collection of procedures that formed a very specific daily routine. Patients were to consume at least two litres of water and herbal tea, take a body temperature bath, receive a full massage to promote blood flow, and engage in exercise and walks for several hours every day, regardless of weather conditions. To Nikolaev, fasting was anything but a state of weakness!

Today, the Goryachinsk Sanatorium is Russia's first specialized centre for conducting medicalized therapeutic fasting. Over 7,000 patients have received treatment there. Specializing in long-term complete fasting with specialized medical supervision throughout the fast and after, the centre uses the Nikolaev method of therapeutic fasting.

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