Fasting: A Body and Mind Detox Like No Other

Fasting, Nature Walks & Mindfulness Retreats

Welcome to The Fast Way to Detox

At The Fast Way to Detox, we have designed our Fasting, Nature Walks & Mindfulness Retreats with one thing in mind - creating a beautiful synergy between:

  • Fasting: a natural method of elimination of toxins, associated with a wide array of potential health benefits,

  • Walking: a method of promoting detoxification through oxygenation and movement of the body, and

  • Mindfulness: a method of promoting awareness of what one is sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment.

We believe this combination achieves perfect psychological, physical and emotional harmony!

If you are interested in an experience that promotes your overall well-being, health and the rediscovery of yourself, these retreats are for you.

Our “Self-Study” Online Programs

The Fast Way to Detox now offers “self-study” at-home programs, including:

  • The Fast Way to Master Intermittent Fasting - 6-week program

  • The Fast Way to Embracing Menopause - 12-week program

  • The Fast Way to Health and Vitality - 12-week program

  • The Fast Way to Gut Health Makeover - 12-week program

You will get valuable coaching and feel like a completely new person guaranteed!

  • Reap the Benefits of Fasting

    Fasting is a great way to re-boot our bodies. It is a natural, no-pills approach to Cleanse, Rejuvenate, Rest and Heal our entire Body Systems and Mind, with often immediate results on our general health and wellbeing.

  • Explore Nature

    All our Fasting Retreats include daily nature walks in some of Ireland’s most spectacular countryside. The combination of activities such as walking with fasting speeds up and strengthens the elimination of toxins from the body.

  • De-Stress Your Mind

    We incorporate mindfulness and meditation exercises into our 5 nights Fasting Retreats, promoting awareness of what one is sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment.

What is on offer? 

We run our fasting retreats 4 to 6 times a year, depending on the demand, using the “Buchinger” method of fasting.

In between the retreats and new to 2023, we propose 6 and 12-week-long “self-study” online programs to help you meet your specific health goals - weight loss and weight management, menopause symptoms management, overall health and wellness or gut health reboot - giving you all the benefits of intermittent fasting from the comfort of your own home and in your own time.