Castor oil poultice benefits and tips

Extracted from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant, native to tropical Africa, its use dates back to 4000 BC. Used by the Egyptians, we even have testimonies that tell us that Cleopatra was perfectly aware of its beauty benefits. As for its health properties, we find them in the Ebers Papyrus (-1500), one of the oldest preserved medical and herbal documents known to date. It was later used for medicinal purposes in Greece, Rome, and the 17th century in Europe and America.

We can group the usual medical uses of castor oil into 4 categories:

  •  applications for gastrointestinal disorders

  •  antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal objectives

  • stimulation of anti-inflammatory and analgesic processes

  • stimulation of the lymphatic system

There are two modes of use, internal and external, of castor oil. We will dedicate this article to discover and understand the mechanisms that castor oil brings in the form of a poultice, that is to say an external application mode.

For a long time, the written tradition brings us the benefits obtained from castor oil by its topical application. On his website, Dr. Mercola, a surgeon and researcher, tells us that:

"Castor oil appears effective in the treatment of many skin diseases such as keratosis, dermatitis, wound healing, acne, ringworm, warts and other skin infections, sebaceous cysts, itching and even hair loss.  Castor oil and ricinoleic acid also promote the absorption of other agents through the skin, and castor oil also seems promising in the treatment of cancer. "

Between 1910 and 1945, Dr. Carey studied its properties on thousands of patients. He noticed that the castor oil draws the blood and lymph where it is applied, which allows for the lymph to be drained and especially for the toxins accumulated in it to circulate and be evacuated.

A powerful cathartic

Castor oil is a powerful cathartic (a remedy to purge the body and clean it of toxins). That is to say, it triggers a rapid elimination reaction from the body when taken internally (purging), but also through a poultice, ie through the skin. Here, we will not have the purge effect but a setting in motion of stagnant waste being moved.

 In “Alternative santé” magazine, we can read:

 "Concretely, ricinoleic acid would increase the production of white blood cells where the poultice is applied, releasing the stagnant toxins stored in it.  " Castor oil is thus particularly interesting for eliminating waste from the detox organs (kidneys, bladder, liver ...)."

Fatty acid composition:

Castor oil is composed of 2% saturated fatty acids, 4% polyunsaturated fatty acids and 94% monounsaturated fatty acids where its ricinoleic acid is found which will give it its special properties. . The oil is stable, its boiling point is 313 °C and it does not go rancid quickly, if you keep it in a dry place away from the light.

What is the treatment with castor oil externally?

The tradition says almost everything ... skin problems, acne, dermatoses to benign tumours, and generally all the hepatic and digestive disorders: colitis, colic, constipation, appendicitis, all inflammations. Also rheumatism, fever and headache, and even epilepsy. Of course, it does not replace the advice of your doctor, but honestly this natural crutch is to be considered.

In his book, "Miracles of Healing," general practitioner William A. McGarey lists the benefits of castor oil poultices on his patient:

  •  Disappearing of a cyst on the eyelid, massaging it daily with a mixture of castor oil and sodium bicarbonate

  • Reduced risk of miscarriage during pregnancy, reduction of stretch marks due to pregnancy

  •  Cessation of any joint pain (localized arthritis, sprains, etc.)

  •  Healing of cutaneous keratosis (dry and thick areas on the skin), disappearance of lymphatic nodules

  •  Return of sleep in the case of insomnia, even rebellious (a patient explains that she soaked cotton balls and placed them in her ears), same recipe for ear infections

  •  Behaviour and mood disorders in children (capricious, hyperactive children, etc.), which volatilize by application of castor oil patches on their abdomen

  •  A strange recipe for hay fever: a drop of castor oil on the tongue, once a day, with a dropper

  •  Reduction of a very large number of appendicitis operations, even in the acute phase

  •  Remarkable healings, in record time, for crushed fingers, turned nails, ingrown toenails, etc.

  • Corns and calluses on feet, cysts, bunions, ichthyosis, common acquired melanocytic nevi (CAMN), cholecystitis, various affections of the liver, scleroderma, headache, intestinal disorders, neuritis, toxemia, toothache, sinusitis, etc.

 How to prepare your poultice in a traditional way?

The traditional method is to ritualize the protocol. We begin by heating the oil, we dip in 2, 3 or 4 layers of flannel. We drip quickly and put the fabric directly on the body for local application. Then, care is taken to keep the poultice warm, by a source of dry heat, like the hot water bottle, for about an hour.  

Once the hour has passed, we will clean the area with soap and warm water to rid it of the acidity and natural secretions that have been caused by the poultice.

 Ideally, to have interesting results on the nature of the problem, it is good to do this, once a day, for an hour, for a few weeks to see improvements.

 My method of preparation

The traditional version is beautiful but it's too long and laborious for me, I prefer to mix in the palm of my hand a little coconut oil with castor oil (which is very viscous), and directly massage the area concerned. I experienced it for 6 months every day on the liver, for digestive inflammations, a state of constipation and a weakness of the hepatic system.  It did improved things.

I massaged about 5-10 minutes, then I put down an old piece of fabric (the square of an old H&M t-shirt or a small white towel that will only serve that purpose), I put my hot water bottle over and I let it work for an hour. I take this opportunity to watch a tv series or read a good book.

 You can also add a plastic film to avoid staining the hot water bottle or the towel.

Why would castor oil poultices be effective?

It is found to be effective in the health issues listed above because they all come from internal poisoning, and castor oil plays a catalyst role in the elimination of poisons.

The poultice is meant to stimulate (through the absorption of castor oil via the pores) the physicochemical properties that produce a greater quantity of lymph by increasing the activity of exchanges on the surface. This would allow deeper drainage causing a more efficient elimination of poisons.

Is castor oil dangerous for your health?

Even if the seed is deadly (5 taken orally and it is certain death), according to the final report of the International Journal of Toxicology on castor oil, there is no reason to fear a contamination of the oil by ricin itself, because ricin does not "dissolve" in castor oil. Castor oil has been used in cosmetic products for many years without incident. For example, in 2002, castor oil and hydrogenated castor oil were used in over 769 cosmetic products.

Scientific research and castor oil

Only a few studies have looked at the benefits of this plant, but the ones that have emerged found interesting results.

  •  An Indian study from 2011 showed that castor leaf extract has more effective antibacterial activity than Gentamycin (used as a standard for comparison) against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.

  •  A 2010 study showed that castor oil poultices are an effective way to relieve constipation in the elderly.

  • Another study conducted in 2009 showed that castor oil effectively relieves the symptoms of arthritis.

  • A study was conducted in 1999 to determine if castor oil could stimulate the lymphatic system. The results were positive. After two hours of treatment with castor oil poultices, there is a significant increase in the number of T lymphocytes, which continue to increase for seven hours after treatment.

  • In a 2000 study on the effects of ricinoleic acid on inflammation, the researchers found that it has anti-inflammatory properties "similar to those of capsaicin".


Do not use castor oil poultice during the menses, which could disrupt their operation and add unnecessary work of elimination to the body.

Which castor oil to take?

Castor oil must first of all be organic, 100% natural, without additives or preservatives, first cold press extraction. You can find it in some pharmacies or health stores.

 Article translated from French, written by Adrien Ruet, naturopath at

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Corinne Carthy

I am a trained Nutritional Therapist, Lifestyle & Fasting Coach.  I am passionate about what I do and love helping people understand how they can take charge of their own health and wellness.  I run Detox Retreats through Fasting (the Buchinger method), Nature Walks and Yoga which in turn helps to detox the Mind and Body from daily stresses.

My Yoga journey helped me out of depression and guided me to my true calling !


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