What to expect from our Detox Fasting Retreats?

Our detox fasting retreats are for optimal well-being and offer a unique blend of detoxing, relaxation and education. You learn all about healthy living while experiencing a caring and nurturing environment with like minded people. You have an opportunity to learn and grow with talks on various topics such as mental and emotional well-being, yoga, nutrition, self care and healing, blood sugar balancing, cooking as well as enjoying therapeutic and relaxing treatments such as massage, reflexology, body scrubs and much more.

Our detox fasting retreats are definitely designed to leave you feeling recharged, rested, and more energised than when you arrived.


1.  Get away and break the routine.

A retreat, by definition, is a departure, an escape from the norm, a chance to leave behind all the worries in your life, at least for a while. Not only do you get away physically from your home, family and everyday life, you also get a chance to self reflect, explore and develop self care skills, healthier habits and allow yourself to evaluate where you need/want to be moving forward.

2.  Get educated in the benefits of fasting on the body and mind and on other healthy ideas.

Our retreats typically offer a blend of activities and talks allowing you to develop awareness about the innate abilities of the body to detox and heal through short fasts,  healthy habits, exercise, nutrition, and much more. Led by our expertise in various field (nutritional therapy, coaching, NLP, nursing, yoga, therapeutic wellness treatments, etc.) we help you reflect on your life, discover different ways to do things, and get inspired to try to keep improving, with concrete tips you can take home and use in your day to day life going forward.

3.  Enjoy well-structured leisure

Our retreats are a combination of doing and resting; activity and inactivity; stimulation and relaxation. The schedule is flexible enough so that you can enjoy all that is on offer at your own pace and in your own time. You may choose to sleep in over a gentle yoga class in the morning after a delicious organic juice, a silent stroll in nature, a more stimulating walk along the beach followed by an invigorating dip in the sea, a sauna, Jacuzzi or a time to meditate and reflect in the venue. The idea is that you enjoy a stress free week choosing what matters most to you without any criticism or judgement about how you want to fill your days.

4.  Benefit from focused practice.

You have time to work on what matters most to you on our retreats. If yoga feels right, then enjoy it every day and feel the benefits in your body with increased flexibility and improved focus of mind. If you find joy and purpose in your own company, journalling or writing, reading, or reflecting, take the time for yourself and savour the moments away from the group. The purpose of our retreats is to give you time to do exactly what feels right to you, and to find renewed energy and vitality as you focus for a time on your own emotional needs.

5.  Benefit from our expertise and teachings

The teachers, guides, therapists and yogi who lead the classes and sessions at our retreat are unique and gifted individuals full of knowledge and training in areas of life that you can improve in. Our retreats are structured for small groups to share and explore with also the opportunity for solo experiences if you need to share privately, as we make the time so you are likely to learn more in a shorter time with individualised attention to your issues and questions that come up in a safe and nurturing session.

6.   Location, location, location.

Just as the old saying in the real estate business goes, three of the most important things about the power and pleasures of a retreat are: location, location, location. On a detox or wellness retreat you really do retreat, to a warm, cozy and pleasant environment with like minded people that is very unlike your home environment.  Our chosen locations for our retreats are either near the beach or a lush countryside, and both are enjoyable surroundings so that you can relax your body and mind fully. Away from the usual environment of your home and community, you find that your mind works a bit differently, and as you focus your attention and gentle efforts on finding changes that can benefit your life and overall health and wellness, it is easier in many ways to fit these new habits and patterns into your life, in this away from home location where you can completely let go and benefit from the power of the experience.

7.   You are what you eat.

The Buchinger or juice fast diet you will be on during your retreat will be completely  different than what you are used to at home. There is a bit of a pattern developing here, of course: the routine will be different than what you are accustomed at home, and so of course the “diet” will focus on overall body and spiritual nourishment that is central to well-being. The re-feeding meal on the last day, and for a few days after you have gone home, will be nutritious and plant-based, as that is what the body will need coming out of your fast, rich with nuts, fruits, vegetables, in the form of soups, dips and juices. As one of your host is trained in nutrition and healthy living, she will contribute her knowledge to a nutrient rich, satisfying, and healthy menu of organic ingredients. You will have the opportunity to help in preparing and perhaps learn a few more things on food, cooking, nutrition, and of course, take home the recipes.  This workshop just might give you some inspirations and ideas that may last a long time after your retreat.

8.  Body moving.

Exercise is usually a central part of every good wellness retreat, not as a chore to accomplish, like many people tend to view it in everyday life, but rather as a joyful opportunity to relax, move your body in healthy ways, and feel good with your heart rate elevated and your blood and lymph pumping. Whether it is in yoga classes, nature or beach walks, stretching, Do In or even dancing to some music, these gentle movements are many ways to feel good and get your body moving while having fun. Like many of the new skills and habits learned on our retreats, you may well find that new exercise routines and ideas stay with you when you go home, extending the value and the health improvements of our retreats back into your everyday life for some time to come.

9.   A wellness retreat equals a true holiday.

Unlike on a typical holiday, on our retreats your days aren't packed with stressful activities like, road traffic, standing in line to visit a museum or gallery or other attraction, and you don't have decisions to make every day about which places to visit next, or how to fit more sightseeing or shopping into the trip. On our retreats, you relax on the spot, enjoying the calm environment of the place and the beauty surrounding you. Learning new skills or interests are part of your every day. You benefit from healthy treatments like massages, and simply enjoy your time to reflect and relax throughout your stay. The sense of well-being you get comes mostly by way of your focus on yourself and your needs, as opposed to the typical pursuits of a family holiday that involves pleasing the family, moving about a city or country, waiting for things to happen and then travelling to see more things somewhere else.

 10. Expand your network.

At our retreats you are likely to be surrounded by like-minded people who share similar interests with you, people who may have intriguing insight, ideas or who may know things that may be helpful to you in some way. Among the lasting benefits of a wellness retreat include a potential range of new relationships, people whom you may add to your circle of friends that you may stay connected with in some way after the retreat is over.

 11. Coaching and guidance designed for you.

With our coaching, teaching and support you might discover new areas of interest and you may learn some ideas that stay with you long after the retreat is done. Our expertise will help you tune in to your body and its needs, to become more aware of your nutrition and exercise patterns and how to acquire new and more effective healthy habits in your life. Working closely with us in yoga, nutrition, exercise, and general well-being, you can progress quickly in a short time in understanding how to apply the lessons you learn to the needs of your individual needs and life's circumstances.

 12. Let the decisions go.

Once you've decided to join us for your detox wellness retreat and made a few basic choices of what you prefer to do and learn while there, the decisions are done and you can relax and go with the flow of your time on the retreat to enjoy growth and healing. While you have options of activities and treatments to attend, the big things are taken care of and you can focus on you, and begin to become the best that you know how to be, day by day, so that by the final day of your retreat you are ready to return home, refreshed, renewed, and recharged for whatever life has in store for you next.

 13. Time...

Time is on your side on our retreats. Your days are carefully structured to get maximum benefit out of the day, yet with plenty of time for you to recharge, rest, reflect and think as you go about the activities of the day, such as following up a refreshing walk with a relaxing massage and moving on to journal and reflect about your experiences along the way. Take time to think. Time to dream. Time to learn new ideas. Time to stretch and breathe with expert guidance. Enjoy time to read and write and savour time to watch a sunset, explore nature on your walks, tune into your body and mind all on your own time.

 14. Take the benefits home with you.

Our retreats are likely to leave you with some side effects, like greater peace of mind, improved eating habits or exercise routine, better sleep, and certainly more energy, oomph and vitality when you return home. Habits and lessons learned throughout your time with us are likely to remain as a powerful force in your life for a few reasons: they are learned at a time when your mind and body are relaxed and open to new experiences, they are received with a more open mind with new perspectives you might not have heard of before, they are shared by professionals in the field of fating, health and wellness so that those lessons of life and health will tend to remain in your mind more vividly for some time to come.

 15. Healing and growth are part of the experience.

Unlike on a regular holiday, where the idea is to see things and do things, on our retreats a big part of the purpose and focus of the entire venture is to rest, reboot, improve, grow, and heal in ways that haven't happened naturally in your life in some time. Lessons learned combined with the time and space to reflect on them and develop positive new habits, contribute to overall improvements in well-being in your life that can generate exponential growth potential. As you get a chance to focus on yourself, you get help in shedding light on areas that can use improvement in your health and wellness activities. 

 16. See new clarity in your life.

The retreats are mainly designed to help you focus on you. It is an ideal time and place to get clear on what really matters to you most, and to see a deeper connection to your intentions for life. The peaceful environment is comfortably unsettling, changing your way of thinking in subtle ways as you learn new lessons and look back on experiences in a new light. Old patterns are open for change as you learn new wellness techniques of diet and exercise that can become a part of the new you that you are becoming through the experience of your time with us and its focus on health, self-care, mind and body awareness, and ultimately personal growth.

 17. Science agrees: wellness retreats are good for the body and the soul.

In one of the first published scientific study on the topic of the benefits and improvements of wellness retreats, researchers studied a group of visitors on a wellness retreat that included healthy nutrition, calming but healthful activities like yoga and nature hikes, and education sessions on meditation and other health subjects. The benefits were noticeable, as study participants on average lost an inch or so of girth around their midsection, shed a few pounds, and reported feeling better and thinking more clearly and positively than they had done before the retreat. Even better, some of the results tended to show that the health benefits of the wellness retreat persisted in the lives of the visitors to the retreat, even weeks after the retreat was over.

While more studies remain to be done on how wellness and detox retreats provide positive health benefits and in what degree, it is clear that a set time of a week or more that is used to focus on you, healthy habits of nutrition, sleep, breathing, exercise, and thinking is likely to result in clear positive health benefits that can last a lifetime.

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Corinne Carthy

I am a trained Nutritional Therapist, Lifestyle & Fasting Coach.  I am passionate about what I do and love helping people understand how they can take charge of their own health and wellness.  I run Detox Retreats through Fasting (the Buchinger method), Nature Walks and Yoga which in turn helps to detox the Mind and Body from daily stresses.


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